Juan Guaido Wiki, Bio, Age, Family, Height, Net Worth

Juan Guaido Wiki, Bio, Age, Family, Height, Net Worth

In this article, we will Know all about Juan Guaido Wiki, Bio, Age, Family, Height, and Net Worth.

Today we are going to discuss about Juan Guaido who took the oath, swearing himself as the President of Venezuela on January 23, 2019.

The organisations of the United States have given him the recognition as the President. Juan was born in Venezuela, he and his family faces a temporary homeless situation due to the Vargas tragedy of 1999. He completed his schooling and persuaded industrial engineering.

He got ways to become founding member of a political party Popular Will by being a part of a student-led political movement. Later on he became the National coordinator of the party. He also became head of the legislation opposition. We will be knowing more about him as we move forward.

Let us reveal Juan Guaido Wiki, Bio, Age, Family, Height, and Net Worth.

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Hermanos soldados y policías, ¡unidos lograremos la libertad de Venezuela! – Hemos dado un paso muy importante en este proceso irreversible hacia el cambio político de nuestro país. – Más de 160 soldados y policías se pusieron del lado de la Constitución y de los venezolanos, a pesar del miedo, de las amenazas y el chantaje impuesto por el régimen usurpador. – Estuve reunido con nuestros valientes funcionarios, quienes dejando atrás a sus familias y asumiendo riesgos, han cumplido con el deber patriota de apoyar la lucha de todo un país que grita libertad y democracia. – Todos sabemos que en los próximos días serán más y más los soldados de nuestra #FANB y funcionarios de nuestros cuerpos policiales que dejarán solo al usurpador y acompañarán esta lucha, su lucha. – Nadie puede ser leal a quien asesina al pueblo, a quien quema la comida y las medicinas de los más necesitados. – Reiteramos nuestro llamado: la ruta que hemos propuesto es el futuro de todos, el país que soñamos para nuestras familias lleno de libertad y el progreso. – Habrá amnistía y garantías para los funcionarios que se apeguen a nuestra Constitución y acompañen el clamor de los venezolanos. – El pueblo de Venezuela saluda y agradece inmensamente su decisión. Todos tenemos un rol en la reconstrucción de nuestro país, vean en nosotros una mano tendida para trabajar juntos en este objetivo. – ¡Muera la tiranía, viva la libertad!

A post shared by Juan Guaidó (@jguaido) on Feb 24, 2019 at 5:40pm PST

Juan Guaido Wiki

Juan Gerardo Guaido Marquez is a Venezuelan Politician and Engineer who was born on July 28, 1983, in La Guaira, Venezuela. He is 35 years old as of 2019. He has no revealed his height and weight. Guaido is his paternal name and the maternal name is Marquez. Juan’s father was an airplane pilot and his mother was a teacher.

The name of the parents of Juan Guaido has yet to reveal. Juan has two grandfathers, one or them was sergeant of the Venezuelan National Guard and another was a captain in the Venezuelan Navy. He has eight siblings brothers and sisters whose names are yet to be revealed by him. His family faced a temporary homeless situation after the Vargas tragedy in 1999.

Juan received his high school diploma in 2000. In 2007, Juan graduated from the Andres Bello Catholic University with a degree in industrial design. Juan completed his postgraduate studies from George Washington University in the United States. Coming to his relationship status, he married to Fabiana Rosales. The couple has one daughter.

Any information regarding his previous dating life is unknown. This was all Juan Guaido wiki, let move on to his professional life.

¡Y regresarán hermanos! Les juro que pronto regresarán.

Estamos aquí para que ustedes puedan volver a casa, con sus familias y con un profundo agradecimiento a todos los países que los han acogido durante estos años.

Volverán y juntos construiremos juntos el país que soñamos. pic.twitter.com/yb1brbDlkf

— Juan Guaidó (@jguaido) March 2, 2019

Juan Guaido Career Life

Juan completed is a Venezuelan engineer and Politician whose journey started from being a part of a student led political movement that protested against the Venezuelan government. The protest was regarding the decision of not to renew license of a independent television network RCTV. Later on, he became the founding member of the political party known as Popular Will.

In 2004, Juan became the national coordinator of the Popular Will. In 2010, Juan was elected and seated as an alternate federal deputy. In 2017, Juan became head of Comptroller’s Commission of the National Assembly.

Juan was elected as the President of the National Assembly of Venezuela. On 5 January, 2019, he became it’s President.

Juan Guaido Net Worth

Juan Guaido completed his engineering and became a part of a student led political movement which opened his ways for founding of a political party. On 23 January, 2019, Juan took a public oath for the President of Venezuela.

Juan’s career has just started so we can expect him to make a huge net worth. However through all these years, he must have made few hundred thousand US dollars. Juan Guaido net worth is under review. He also has huge fan following on his Twitter account.


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